Sparks of Magic

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Magic Kids: DisneyBounding


Welcome to this month's Blogorail Yellow Loop! Today we are sharing DisneyBounding ideas for you and your family.

Last year I was swept into the world of Disneybounding as I attended my first Disney Social Media Moms On the Road event. I went as Ariel!

Then in January I met Leslie Kay, the fabulous gal that started this phenomenon, at the Star Wars marathon weekend. 

I've always loved getting dressed up and I think costumes are awesome, but the concept of creating an outfit from what you have in your closet to represent a character is pretty fun. Not only is it usually easier to wear, you can mix and match pieces for other characters. You are only limited too your own imagination. 

Well, it's almost Halloween and instead of spending a bunch of money on costumes, I thought it would be awesome to do a family DisneyBound! My kids have not quite jumped on the scene so I'll share some ideas and then I have to show you some of my favorite looks from friends that have done Disney events with their kids' Disney styles!  

Since we are a large family, I've tried to think of how we could accomplish a bound that has enough characters, but also a group that we can all agree on – and like. Let me tell you that is no easy feat! So, after taking to the kids and Jeff, I've come up with Peter Pan. There are enough characters and we love the film, so it works!

When we think of outfits we draw inspiration from the characters' outfit colors and styles and then interpret that into what we wear.  There is a really cool app called Polyvore that is all about styling and has a huge library of apparel and accessories that you can create an inspiration board from.

I plan on having some extra fun with scoping out inspiration online and from friends! Here is my friend's son – he went to a local ComiCon event as Han Solo!

photo courtesy Amanda Zimmerman

photo courtesy Amanda Zimmerman

I'm seriously very excited for this project; it will take a little bit to gather all of the pieces for everyone, but it's going to make an amazing family photo! :)

Do you DisneyBound with your kids?  

For more DisneyBounding ideas, check out the other great posts from the Blogorail!

Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail Yellow  | DisneyBounding Ideas
