Disney News: 2015 ticket price increases

  photo ©   How About Now Creative Co .

  photo ©  How About Now Creative Co.

Well, we all knew it was coming. Or, maybe you didn't, but now you are stunned. The OC Register released the news that Disney Parks pricing is definitely slated to increase in the next week, as early as February 22nd. 

I am not surprised one bit, nor am I really irritated about it. In all honesty, at the end of the day, Disney is a successful business. When you consider the costs involved with daily operations at any of the parks, you have a better idea of why the ticket prices will continue to rise. And you know what? Over time, the cost has yet to hinder people from purchasing tickets, regardless of how much guests have disapproved of the increases. What's crazy to think, is that the ticket prices since 2000 have gone up 140 percent, according to the OC Register. I can't believe it! Along with the price increases we've already seen, the Parks have grown dramatically.

Personally, I love Disney, and I love Disneyland (obviously); a $2 - $3 daily park ticket increase is really not going to stop me from purchasing tickets for my family when the time comes. I know that a lot of (most) people really scrape their money together to go to the park (believe me, I am one of them), but I think that with proper planning, you can make your trip happen. Just like with anything else in life, we put a value on our dollar and prioritize where we want to spend it. What I do love is that Disney knows that its experiences cost money, and they've even created a special program that helps you save for your trip with a Disney Vacation Account. 

Here's a snapshot of some ticket options & their prices along with their soon-to-be pricing (in bold):

  • Adult (ages 10+) 1 day; 1 park goes from $96 to $99
  • A Park hopper add on will increase from $54 to $56
  • Child (3-9) 1 day; 1 park will rise from $90 to $93
  • It should also be noted that Premium annual passes with parking and no blackout dates will also increase at 11 percent from $669 to $779

Entertainment is a luxury, not a right.

As consumers we want more. We want to see fireworks & lights, experience the magic, and escape our every day lives. I think the disconnect happens when we begin to expect these things and don't consider that while Disney is pumping us with magic, in all reality, the magic is where the money is. 

We want quality entertainment that exceeds our mundane lives. How do we satisfy these desires? By going to places like Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Yes, it can get pricey, but what's the difference in spending money on other desires, like technology, clothing, concert tickets, or other travel? One year I wanted to see JT in concert, and honestly I chose Disneyland. I know, seems silly. But, Disneyland is our family's happy place. Our kids haven't traveled the world, and while we have a huge bucket list, Disneyland is always on our priority list. It's not very far from home, and it's our special place to be together. Somehow, like music, it brings our kids together and it's always amazing. We are making memories that are priceless. Are you a CA resident? Did you know that you can get an annual pass and pay monthly for it? That's always another option when you're not able to pay a lump sum. Just make sure you are going to be in the parks multiple days in the year to recover the costs and make it worthwhile.  You know, there are ways to enjoy the parks on a budget, and I am excited to share more of these ways in future posts. In fact, if you plan on visiting the Parks soon, I suggest you start saving now. 

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.

— Walt Disney

I love that quote! It makes me happy. Not only has it remained true all of these years, but I definitely think that it's important to remember that fact, when we begin to see the prices increase over time. Will we see how the prices affect park attendance? Perhaps, although it seems that there's been an increase in visitors, which isn't surprising, and I don't see it slowing down at all.

Remember that Diamond Celebration that is underway for May? I can almost guarantee that it will be just as packed, if not more, due to the upcoming changes and 60th celebration. As a society we thrive on "newness," especially when it is intermingled with a whole lot of nostalgia. For me, I love seeing The Happiest Place on Earth evolve and change, but somehow it still remains the same. 

I am always up for saving $3, but I am just fine with this increase. If they announced a $20 increase per ticket at once, that would cause a bit of shock! I'm still pretty sure I'd find a way to get my family down there. After all, I am the magic maker. Gosh, all this Disneyland talk just makes me anxious for another trip!

So, what are your thoughts? Will this increase hinder you from visiting the parks this year or ever? Share your opinions in the comments below!

Please know that the thoughts shared here are 100% my own, I was not compensated in any way to share my opinions on this subject. I am truly a fan of Disney and believer in magic.